Gmail and Discovery Ads: What it Means for Campaign Strategy


Google is making some considerable changes. Along with the exclusion of broad match modifiers, Google is phasing out Gmail ads. Summer 2021 is the proposed date of termination, making your ad campaigns 'read-only.' This also means you can't change anything about them after the deadline.

They can still function as ad campaigns, but they're essentially dead in the water. Google is moving onto its Discovery Ads instead.

What Is Google Discover?

If you have the Google app downloaded on your smartphone, you'll immediately recognize the Discovery page. The Google Discovery page takes all the pertinent information from past browsing sessions, compiling it into a cohesive, targeted feed. Depending on who you are, your Google Discover feed will look unique to you. You can see how advertisers can make this a considerable asset in ad campaigns.

How Google Discovery Ads Work

Google Discover uses its audience to evolve continually. As you browse news regarding your favorite cuisine, sports team, or musicians, you'll come into contact with more relevant Discover pages.

Google Discover has a different look and feel compared with social media ads on Facebook. Discover seems more organic, more welcoming. It looks like the polar opposite of a pop-up ad.

Google claims that Discovery ads reach a larger portion of Google. With that in mind, the Discovery ads aim to be more relevant to the audience. Instead of bombarding Internet users' feed with irritating ads, the Discover page aims to be a more organic and effective campaign type.

Google is heavily involved with the process, and it's evident that Google is planning for Discovery ads to be its in-house advertising powerhouse.

The process is simple, breaking down into a formulaic method of setting things up. It allows your campaign many more headlines, images, and other compelling copy to reach a larger audience. Campaigns will evolve and bend around the whims and interests of the user.

This is a potentially fertile testing ground for companies. If advertising campaigns can effectively tap into target audiences, market products, and earn customers, Discovery ads will have been a success.

Are Discovery Ads effective?

Yes, according to marketer Amy Bishop, in an interview with Search Engine Journal. In the beginning, she was skeptical and none too keen on switching over to something new. However, once set up with Google, Google Discovery ads were surprisingly effective compared to her existing Gmail campaigns.

Final Thoughts on Gmail and Discovery Ads

In short, starting in July 2021, Discovery ads will be the primary way that ad campaigns will reach their target audience. Remember that you can have Gmail ad campaigns in circulation past the deadline. However, you won't be able to modify or start campaigns afterward.

For many, this can seem like a significant setback, especially if you have multiple Gmail campaigns.

Either way, by using the new Google Discover algorithm, you could potentially see returns when you gain your footing.

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