How To Share Google Ads Access: A Guide to Campaign Management

Sharing is caring. And that goes double for sharing Google Ads access with various team members. See how to share Google Ads access to share ideas, ad campaign strategies, and more

Google Ads is a reliable way to have multiple team members or outside consultants use analytics on various projects. If you share Google Ads access, you can easily allow another person or agency to view and manipulate business data.

How To Share Google Ads Access

Here is the step-by-step method for granting access to your particular project or campaign.

  • Go to
  • Click on 'Tools and Settings
  • Click on 'Access and Security' under 'Setup '
  • Click on the blue '+' in the upper left-hand corner.
  • The prompt for inviting others to access, along with access level

What Kind of Access Should You Give?

What happens now? You know the specific steps in granting access to team members, but what's the ideal type of access to grant? It depends on a few factors. Do you want individuals to have the ability to access and manipulate company data? It depends on what you want other users to accomplish.

Let's examine the different types of access, along with what each entails.

Email Only Access

Email only access is the default option, which sends reports to higher-ups or clients. This level of Google Ads access doesn't allow users to download or edit information.

Email only is the type of access with the least amount of control over campaigns. Users with this level of access are only allowed to receive updates. They receive email updates on campaign strategy and company data. Email only users aren't allowed to log in or edit anything.

This is ideal for merely keeping users in the loop and not much else.

Read-Only Access

In case you want to grant users more in-depth access, read-only is a step up from email only. This form of access allows users to log in to the Google Ads dashboard and observe various aspects of the campaign strategy. However, it doesn't give them the ability to edit or change features in a campaign.

This is a valuable way for managers to share auditing information and users to merely observe Google Ads campaigns.

Standard Access

Users with Standard access are allowed to log in and change quite a bit of campaign data and other crucial features. But how does it differ from admin access?

Standard access limits who are and isn't allowed to grant access to other users. This is ideal for PPC campaigns where you want a

Admin Access

Admin access is the highest level of Google Ads access available. This should be the standard for you and your team, but rarely any external users. Granting admin access gives complete control of every aspect of a Google Ads campaign. You could even go as far as eliminating other users' access to campaigns.

Admin access is perfect for allowing experts and SEO managers to have full access and edit campaigns and data.

Wrapping Up Granting Google Ads Access

Once you have determined access levels, the user in question will receive an email inviting them to log in.

While some forms of Google Ads access are similar, each differs in its own unique way. Whether it's the limited notifications through email only or standard access, these methods of connecting team members are crucial.

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