The Digital Marketing Vocabulary Cheat Sheet

The marketing field is crammed with terms and lingo that takes a while to understand. Or does it? Read our digital marketing vocabulary cheat sheet to get the inside view of digital marketing

Just when you think you have a good grasp on the pervasive lingo and digital marketing vocabulary, someone throws more terms your way.

Instead of hitting up your favorite search engine to nail down a definition, check out our list of digital marketing vocabulary.

Let's begin with the digital marketing vocabulary list. And who knows, maybe your new expertise will earn you some much-deserved conversions?

A/B Testing

A/B testing refers to crafting two versions of a specific item. It could be the latest version of your web copy or a new UX/UI design for a website. Either way, A/B testing is the method in which you determine what content your target audience responds to best. A word of advice: when comparing two different versions of content, don't make a slew of changes.

It's much easier to make small changes, monitor the reaction, and make incremental changes that work for you and your business.


A favorite term of SEO specialists and digital marketers everywhere, backlinks are a major asset in campaigns. These are inbound links from other websites. When a company or business links to your site, this is a backlink. They act as fantastic endorsements of your site and build vital authority for your page.

In short, the more authority your page exhibits, the better your SEO. Ergo, more backlinks make campaigns experience success.

These strategies are one of the best ways to improve your SEO in your digital marketing campaigns. Everyone loves a high search engine ranking, and these are some building blocks toward that goal.

Bounce Rate

Are people engaging with your website? A great way to find out is through monitoring the bounce rate.

A bounce rate is a term used to denote the rate at which an individual leaves a page. If your webpage has a high bounce rate, this means people aren't clicking links, visiting other pages, and generally just leaving before taking action.

If your webpage has a bounce rate of anything over 70%, you'll need to reorganize assets on your site. Maybe some possible A/B testing is on order?

However, bounce rates for websites aren't universal. A high bounce rate for a website that needs engagement with multiple web pages isn't good. But if you have only one page? It's not the end of the world.

Calls to Action (CTA)

A simple yet highly effective way of growing your brand online through visibility and awareness is a solid call to action or CTA.

A call to action (surprise, surprise) entices a potential customer or client to visit a website. CTAs can appear as sentences or just a few words.

CTAs are everywhere. 'Sign Up For Our Newsletter,' 'View Our Website For More Info,' and 'Explore our Deals' are good examples. Short, sweet, and to the point.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTRs are crucial ways of measuring the success of an ad campaign. As you can probably surmise, click-through rate refers to the volume of people clicking on a specific link to the total number of viewers.

Determining a CTR involves some math. To determine your ad's CTR is your number of click-throughs over the number of impressions your ad has made.

For example, people saw your ad 500 times but only clicked 100 times. Your CTR is 100/500, or 20%.


A significant goal in advertising and marketing is conversions. A conversion is when a customer or viewer completes a desired action. Conversions don't have to be complicated or in-depth, either.

Conversions can be as simple as clicking 'View More' on a website. They're a helpful Bellwether to determine possible ad performance.

Ad Copy

Good ad copy makes up the meat of an advertising campaign. Ad copy refers to everything from headlines, subtitles, overall website content, and more.

Obviously, having a talented ad copywriter is crucial for fashioning an attractive and compelling website. It's also great for building brand awareness and visibility.

Cost per Click (CPC) or Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

CPC refers to how much an advertiser pays for each click on an ad. Also known as PPC, this method also extends to a metric called cost per mille. Called cost per mille (CPM) works like CPC, but CPM focuses on every thousand clicks and impressions of an ad instead of every click.

Many publishers use programs like Google AdSense, which pairs up advertisers and digital marketers.


The first piece of the digital marketing puzzle is finding your key demographic. This is an analysis of whom you're marketing to.

Who's your intended audience? Age, gender, and race are standard demographic variables.

Domain Authority

A website's domain authority refers to how relevant and robust it is. The more authoritative your content is, the higher it appears in search engine rankings.

A surefire method of increasing a page's domain authority for search engine optimization is through keyword research.

Email Marketing

A valuable form of digital marketing, email marketing focuses on reaching customers through emails. Email marketing isn't just sending ads to potential customers. It involves requesting business, building professional relationships, and soliciting donations for a particular cause.

Email marketing is perfect for practicing your CTA skills.

Google Analytics (GA-4)

One of the most useful ways to monitor and measure web traffic, Google Analytics, shows an advertiser just how well a website performs.

Google Search Console (GSC)

Another solid option for webmasters is to monitor different aspects of a website, like passage indexing and page crawling. Along with Google Analytics, Google Search Console gives the user extensive control over maintaining an ad campaign.

Google AdWords

Remember CPC ads? Google AdWords allows users to customize, build, and monitor their CPC ad campaigns and if they're working. As with the other Google clients, there's a lot of customization involved.

H Tags

These refer to the different heading tags on a website. The H1 is the main title, followed by H2's and H3's. Along with providing aesthetically consistent and pleasing visuals, Google analyzes H tags for relevance and SEO potential.


An impression occurs when a visitor sees your website. There are numerous ways to get impressions on ads. Google search results, other web pages, and other avenues of exposure. Things like organic impressions refer to people seeing an ad on Facebook or Twitter timelines.


Essential for search engine optimization, keywords are how customers find your business or page. An SEO expert determines what people are searching for in a specific industry and implements them into the web content by doing keyword research. The end goal? Having a company show up in the top search engine ranking results.

Meta Description

A meta description is a summary of your web page that appears on the Google SERP. Meta descriptions are ideal avenues of implementing relevant keywords about your industry. Meta descriptions are another great way of working out your CTAs.

Return on Investment (ROI)

How successful was your last campaign? Was it worth the effort, or investment, you put into it? Measuring your return on investment is a useful way to determine your cost to success ratio.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is how your business appears on the Google SERP. An SEO specialist uses good keyword research, implements those keywords in ad copy, metadata, and H tags to maximize brand exposure.

Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

The SERP is what you see after typing in specific keywords or queries. The SERP includes the top ten results, along with advertisements interspersed between them.

Value Proposition

This serves as the business proposition for the customer. What value are you offering from your business? A value proposition is whatever your business is essentially promising your audience.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

Your website's URL is the web address you see in your browser, leading you to anywhere on the Internet.

Customizing your site's URL also has some SEO benefits.

Final Thoughts on Digital Marketing Vocabulary

Knowing these digital marketing terms is essential for online success if you want to have some much-needed authority in your next campaign.

Knowing these forms of digital marketing terminology is vital, whether it's ironing out the kinks with A/B testing, backlinks, or CTAs. Both for awareness and to succeed in your next digital marketing campaign. Remember to use our digital marketing vocabulary cheat sheet for a more seamless experience. 

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